Tag: god
Ep 73: Gimme comfort
Do we want peace that is comfortable? Chris and Pete wonder if comfort is something we get wrong. Has our language derailed the truth of what we should be looking for? Does comfort work in our broken world, and how do we look for it in a way that actually works?
Ep 72: You Don’t Say
In the last of our ‘Bathroom session’ Chris and Pete stumble on some really hard-hitting questions. What if you never asked God for ‘stuff’? What else is there? Can I trust just enough for today? Are we happy to ask God to be harsh with us, and is God my ‘mate’? How does God, as…
Ep 70: Intimacy Be Like…
In the second of our ‘Bathroom series’ with the odd sound, Chris and Pete ask what would it be like if we talked to God the way we talk to our partner? Who is a hugger? Why don’t Aussie blokes do well at intimacy, and how can we be better at it?
Ep 69: You’re Not Wrong!
This one sounds a bit odd, Sorry folks! The discussion gets very interesting as Chris and Pete doubt things! Miracles, Belief, The Bible? What do we think about faith when everything is changing? Can we be wrong and faithful, can we find truth when it’s not… what does deconstruction show about what we think?
Ep 68: Our Giving Ignorance
Are Chris and Pete generous… for their own benefit? Is giving, a useless drop in the ocean? What if we want to make a difference with our generosity? Are we lookin at it wrong, aren’t we meant to be ‘you all’ not just ‘you’? Is it even possible to give without being selfish?
Ep 67: We Aren’t So Similar
Chris and Pete talk about storytelling, how we all do it differently, and how weird we all are. So how can we talk about what matters? Can we communicate well when everyone else is so completely different? Is there more to our diversity? Does difference make a difference?
Ep 66: Leaving the flock
Chris and Pete ask ‘who’s minding the flock!’ Why is Chris breaking the sheep’s legs? Do sheep run off or do we just get distracted? How much should we follow the flock, or should we just be looking after ourselves?
Ep 65: It’s a Game isn’t it!
Chris and Pete get into sport with the question “Do you love the diversity?” And why don’t churches love it? What if difference is essential to a good life? So what do we see about God’s plan when we play sport? Is it vital to have people on your team who don’t play the way…
Ep 64: So Right and So Wrong
Journalist and broadcaster Richard Aedy leads us into a simple question; What is the meaning of life? Is awareness why we exist, or is there more to it? Perhaps we have all missed a fundamental point about why we exist?
Ep 63: Rewriting The Bible
Chris and Pete talk about their fave version of the bible and ask what happens when we re-iterate and re-frame the bible and why is there so much complexity there? Can we remove it? Do we need to hear from more than just the bible?