Tag: email

  • Ep 12: My Dad’s Better Than Your Dad

    Ep 12: My Dad’s Better Than Your Dad

    Chris and Pete answer another tough email asking about other gods… and is ‘eternal Damnation’ just a heavy metal album title? And who was God before the Bible told us about God?

  • Ep 10: The Mathematics of Praying

    Ep 10: The Mathematics of Praying

    Esther emailed with a great question about prayer and how it works… or doesn’t. So Chris and Pete break out the slide rule to explore the mathematics of prayer and find something else entirely.

  • Ep 9: Is Golf Evil?

    Ep 9: Is Golf Evil?

    Answering an email from Lenny, Chris and Pete revisit confession, play sport and ask who and why confess stuff, and then turn it on its head.