Category: Episodes

  • Ep 65: It’s a Game isn’t it!

    Ep 65: It’s a Game isn’t it!

    Chris and Pete get into sport with the question “Do you love the diversity?” And why don’t churches love it? What if difference is essential to a good life? So what do we see about God’s plan when we play sport? Is it vital to have people on your team who don’t play the way…

  • Ep 64: So Right and So Wrong

    Ep 64: So Right and So Wrong

    Journalist and broadcaster Richard Aedy leads us into a simple question; What is the meaning of life? Is awareness why we exist, or is there more to it? Perhaps we have all missed a fundamental point about why we exist?

  • Ep 63: Rewriting The Bible

    Ep 63: Rewriting The Bible

    Chris and Pete talk about their fave version of the bible and ask what happens when we re-iterate and re-frame the bible and why is there so much complexity there? Can we remove it? Do we need to hear from more than just the bible?

  • Ep 62: Too Much Information

    Ep 62: Too Much Information

    Chris and Pete love a bit of science and science is replicable. The same experiment gets the same results, that sort of thing. But what about faith, the bible, and God? Is it the same for us all? Nope. Here they check out the work of Korean philosopher Byung-Chul Han who reckons knowing stuff makes…

  • Ep 61: Do I Bless God?

    Ep 61: Do I Bless God?

    There’s all these bits in the bible where people bless God, but what have I got that god needs? What is a blessing for God? Chris and Pete return to the love Dog and see if they can unpack this bizarre twist… how do the blessed ones bless the one who blesses us? Can we…

  • Ep 60: The God of Evil?

    Ep 60: The God of Evil?

    Chris and Pete unfurl another of those curly questions. Did God create Evil? Are bad things hand crafted by the loving creator of the universe, was badness? Have we humans given evil a face, made it into a thing, or is it something else? Are Dark, Cold, and Evil merely absences and what does it…

  • Ep 59: Drinkin’ With Jesus

    Ep 59: Drinkin’ With Jesus

    Chris and Pete pull the cork on an event that has torn apart churches and communities for generations, when Jesus turned water into wine. What was he thinking?! They ask what it means to us today. Did Jesus get folks drunk? Is he okay with wine? Or are we just doing what we want and…

  • Ep 58: Are You a Good Dog?

    Ep 58: Are You a Good Dog?

    Chris and Pete crack open the ancient poetry book and read from the 13th century a poem that suggests we should all be whining dogs. Is that a useful thing? How do we see ourselves? And what happens if we rethink that?

  • Ep 57: Trinity Weirdness

    Ep 57: Trinity Weirdness

    Chris and Pete try to ask about this trinity thing. What is it? It’s not named in the bible but what have we made of it? It’s not a neat package but can it be understood? What gets lost when we get it wrong?

  • Ep 56: The Thomas Problem

    Ep 56: The Thomas Problem

    Was ‘Doubting Thomas’ at the dentist? Why did he doubt? Why does it matter? Chris and Pete try to find the right questions, like why is this story even in the bible? And what happens if we choose NOT to believe? Is that a problem?