Author: The OddFather

  • Ep 32: Where Have All the Angels Gone?

    Ep 32: Where Have All the Angels Gone?

    Chris and Pete look at how angels from the bible ended up with wings. And if there’s angels everywhere, why don’t we see them anymore. Is it possible to see MORE angels at work in our world, today?

  • Ep 31: Does God Even Need Me?

    Ep 31: Does God Even Need Me?

    Chris and Pete ponder, what actually IS God’s work and why can’t he do it himself? Does God even NEED his people to do stuff? Does he have a point?

  • Ep 30:  God Gets Fry’d

    Ep 30:  God Gets Fry’d

    Chris and Pete respond to Stephen Fry, comedian, writer, TV Host and passionate atheist as he explains why he doesn’t believe God exists. Does he have a point?

  • Ep 29:  The Snot Issue

    Ep 29:  The Snot Issue

    Chris and Pete discuss the one thing that’s not to be sneezed at. Bless you! What is with that? And does it matter if we say it or not? Does it get up your nose?

  • Ep 28:  Greg French is a Damaged Man

    Ep 28:  Greg French is a Damaged Man

    Sydney pastor Greg French hangs about one more time so that Chris and Pete can be damaged together. What is so good about being ‘broken’? Every human in the bible is really busted up too, so what happens if we stop trying to heal everyone?

  • Ep 27:  Greg French and the Big, Huge Thing

    Ep 27:  Greg French and the Big, Huge Thing

    Pastor Greg French joins Chris and Pete to share what he doesn’t know. Did he really say that not knowing keeps him moving forward? Is ignorance a motivation for faith?

  • Ep 26:  Is Love Just a Feeling?

    Ep 26:  Is Love Just a Feeling?

    Chris and Pete sing along with Lindsey Stirling and then ask if there is more to her song ‘Love’s just a feeling.’ Is it something else? And what happens to love if we treat it as ‘just’ a feeling? Can we change as love s\changes? And should we? Like, what is heaven? And should we…

  • Ep 24: What On Earth is Heaven?

    Ep 24: What On Earth is Heaven?

    Chris and Pete puzzled over death and dying recently, which means there have been a lot of questions from you about what happens next. Like, what is heaven? And should we aim for it?

  • Ep 25: Hey God! I’m WAITING!

    Ep 25: Hey God! I’m WAITING!

    Pete complains about how we say ‘God always answers prayer’ and Chris raises the question, ‘what is the point of waiting on God?’

  • Ep 23: The Question of Suicide

    Ep 23: The Question of Suicide

    A question from Jon, that no one wants to ask, but we need to consider, because there’s so much in it… Suicide, heaven, Christians: how do we try and understand the reality of it?